Legal Notice

download full AETAP Statues


Association of European Threat Assessment Professionals
AETAP Office
Postfach 11 01 05
64216 Darmstadt

AETAP is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland (not a EU-Country) and is VAT-exempt.
For deals with AETAP all the suppliers can base their invoice on Art. 196 MwStSystRL i. F.d. RL 2008/EG

Terms and Conditions


According to AETAP statutes article 5, Professionals applying for membership pay an entrance fee of 150 (hundred and fifty) Euros. The nomination proceeding starts when all the required documents have been sent to the president and the entrance fee has been paid to AETAP. The Governing Board nominates members.
There is no refund of membership fees. In case of a non-nomination, 10% of the amount is taken by AETAP as a process fee and the remainder is refunded.

Annual Membership fee

The annual membership fee is proposed by the Governing Board and is currently 125 (hundred twenty five) Euros. Honorary Members do not have to pay the membership fee. The membership fee is due by January 31st of the year following the application.

Place of jurisdiction

The sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes in connection with AETAP is Lucerne, Switzerland.

Choice of law

For the legal relationship between the parties, and in particular for all claims against AETAP, Swiss substantive law, namely the Swiss Code ob Obligation, is applicable.


Contact for financial issues

Anuschka Petersen
Postfach 11 01 05
64216 Darmstadt
e-mail: Anuschka.Petersen(at)


Bank account information

Postfinance CH

No. 91-293625-4

BLZ 9000

IBAN: CH 73 0900 0000 9129 36 25 4