Multi-level Guidelines (MLG) Training, May 2013, Canada


May, 27-­‐29th, 2013, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Canadian Police College

Group-based  violence  is  actual,  attempted,  or  threatened  physical  injury  that  is  deliberate  and nonconsensual, perpetrated by an individual whose decisions and  behavior  are substantially influenced by a group to which they currently belong or with which they are affiliated or identify. This includes cases involving gangs, organized crime terrorism, and even some honor crimes.

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Paul Mullen – Expert Day

Expert Workshop with Dr. Paul Mullen (26th April)Outline of Presentation on Complainers, Chronic Complainers, and Querulants

Querulants consume enormous amounts of the resources of complaint resolution services, the courts, the police, and all large public and private organisations. They are responsible for threats and violence which cause considerable public as well as personal danger and distress. They are the next frontier in risk assessment and management.

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Violence Risk Assessment and Management Workshop, May 2013, Canada

Ryerson  University  is  pleased  to present a 5-day Foundational and 5-Day Advanced  Violence  Risk  Assessment  & Management  Workshop  in  partnership with  ProActive  ReSolutions  Inc.  The Foundational  Workshop  is taking  place May  20-24,  2013  and  the  Advanced Workshop is taking place between May 27-31, 2013 in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

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