Presentations AETAP Conference 2016

AETAP Conference 2016

We hope you enjoy your stay in Ghent and looking forward to meeting you again next year in Dublin!

Save the date → 24th – 28th of April 2017 ← 10th AETAP Conference in Dublin


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19th April


Dr Reid Meloy Threat assessment: scholars, operators, our past, our future pdficon large Presentation

H.E. Amb. Claudia De Maesschalck Risk based approach: experiences from a BE NSA perspective pdficon large Presentation

Prof. Dr Jan Van den Bulck ‘I like, follow, share, stalk, and groom you’ – social media and threat assessment pdficon large  Presentation

Reference to a Social Media Connecting Tool

Dr Russel Palarea & Bram Van der Meer
Psychological strategies for threat investigations pdficon large Presentation



20th April


Dr Stephen Hart Some thorny issues in threat assessment pdficon large Presentation

Bianca Voerman Developing a risk assessment and management approach in extremist cases pdficon large Presentation

Dr Frederic Declercq
A case of mass murder: personality disorder, psychopathology and violence mode pdficon large Presentation

Dr Jens Hoffmann Lone-actor terrorists – Warning Behaviors, Risk Assessment, and Copycat Effects pdficon large Presentation

Dr Lisa Warren The paradigm of persistence: a reexamination of muliple intrusions pdficon large Presentation



21th April

Dr David James Concerning and threatening communications: developing a structured approach to assessment and management pdficon large Presentation

SSA Molly Amman Assessing violence risk in threatening communications: the FBI model pdficon large Presentation

References to a Threat Managing Tool

Dr Vivienne de Vogel Gender issues in the assessment and manifestation of psychopathy pdficon large Presentation

Dr Laura Guy Developmental considerations for threat assessment with youth pdficon large Presentation

Access to publications from Steinberg

Chuck Tobin Assessing an organization’s capacity to manage threat pdficon large Presentation