Presentations AETAP Conference 2018

AETAP Conference 2018


These documents are for your personal use only!

24th April

Dr Paul Gill
Sequencing lone actor terrorist behaviors  Presentation

Dr Laura Guy
State of the art and science in youth violence risk assessment pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Renate Geurts
Strengthening threat assessment interviewing: Insights drawn from negotiations and interrogation pdficon large  Presentation

Dr Caroline Logan
Forensic clinical interviewing: practical skills for threat assessment professionals pdficon large Presentation

Dr Annabel Chan & Luke Bartlett
QuAIC relief: qualifiying the “gut feeling” in case triage pdficon large Presentation

25th April – Track I

Jason Forgash
The threat inside the walls: discerning between delusions, hallucinations and actual threats faced by mentally ill individuals and methods of successful assessment and case management pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Cornelis van Putten
Integrity testing and threat assessment pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Susanne Strand
Policing stalking pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Ryan Burnette
Novel threats at the convergence of biosecurity and cybersecurity pdficon large Presentation

Christopher Dean
Identifying radicalization to violent  extremism in prison: the Prison Radicalization Awareness Guide (PRAG) pdficon large Presentation

Dr Camie  Condon & Jeff Weyers
Using open source intelligence in assessing potential for violence by foreign fighters      pdficon large Presentation

Dr Stephen Hart & Dr Randy Kropp
 What every threat assessment professional needs to know about sexual violence  pdficon large Presentation

25th April – Track II

Mikko Savela


Markus Haaranen

Case study of threat case against Helsinki University pdficon large Presentation

Kristina Anderson
Safety is personal: lessons learned as survivor of the Virgina Tech tragedy pdficon large Presentation

Dr Gene Deisinger
Campus behavioural threat assessment and management in the US 2007 to present pdficon large Presentation

Katherine Timmel & Adrian Meier
Threat managment at ETH Zurich – “from cradle to grave” pdficon large Presentation

Atte Oksanen
Cyberhate and young offenders: emerging forms of violent ideation pdficon large Presentation

26th April

Dr. Lina Alathari
Case studies to illustrate the importance of gatheringand corroborating information from multiple systems on concerning behaviours communications pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Gerard Labuschange & Bronwynn Stollarz
Anonymous threats involving bomb threats towards a South African company pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Russ Palarea & Chuck Tobin
A shot in the dark: when a persistent threatener finally commits a violent act pdficon large Presentation

Elsine van Os
Anonymous threatening communications pdficon large Presentation

 Jascha van Hoorn  Setting up a threat management facility  pdficon large Presentation

Presentations AETAP Conference 2017

AETAP Conference 2017


These documents are for your personal use only!

25th April

Dr Paul Gill
Sequencing lone actor terrorist behaviors  Link to Prezi

Dr Randy Kropp
Intimate partner violence
outside the home: Threat
assessment and management in the workplace and on campus.
pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Ryan Burnette Biosecurity for the Consummate Security
Professional: The Rise of
Insider Threats in Traditional and Community Laboratories
pdficon large  Presentation

Dr Reid Meloy
Public figure attacks in the US between 1995-2015 pdficon large Presentation

26th April – Academia

Nils Böckler
Blurring the Boundaries: The Role of Social Media in the Genesis and Early Detection of Targeted Violence – A Case Study pdficon large Presentation

Rhonda Saunders The crime of stalking, then and now pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Gerard Labuschagne & Dr. Russ Palarea
Product tampering and
extortion threats: A case
example involving a major South African retailer
no slides available, for further information please contact the speakers

Dr. Annabel Chan & Luke Bartlett Posting a Threat: Threat
Management in the Cyber World
 Link to Prezi

Dr. Cynthia Baxter & Mr. Veldhoen Understanding Personality Disorders in Threat Assessment Please contact Dr. Cynthia Baxter for the presentation

Rory Steyn
Security and protection issues related to his work for president Nelson Mandela         Book from Rory Steyn

26th April – Corporate

Chris Smith Exploring Organisational
Resilience and the Malicious
no slides available

Mark Miskelley Implementing Threat
Management into the
Corporate World
pdficon large Presentation

Chuck Tobin Analyzing Approach Behavior Research and the Protection of Prominent Persons pdficon large Presentation

Det. Jason Forgash &
Dr. Shannon Wasley
Multi-Disciplinary Lessons from a Private Institution Stalking Case no slides available

Niall Burns Commercial Close Protection – The Realities pdficon large Presentation

27th April

Dr. Gene Deisinger 10th anniversary of Virginia
Tech shooting and impact on Threat Management as well as lessons from that case
pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Stephen White The Isla Vista Mass Murder Link to article

Dr. Catherine Camilletti Targeting Nationally Prominent Attractions and Events no slides available

Dr. Stephen Hart Cultural issues in threat
pdficon large Presentation

Presentations AETAP Conference 2016

AETAP Conference 2016

We hope you enjoy your stay in Ghent and looking forward to meeting you again next year in Dublin!

Save the date → 24th – 28th of April 2017 ← 10th AETAP Conference in Dublin


IMG 7380

Conference Picture



The documents are for your personal use only!


19th April


Dr Reid Meloy Threat assessment: scholars, operators, our past, our future pdficon large Presentation

H.E. Amb. Claudia De Maesschalck Risk based approach: experiences from a BE NSA perspective pdficon large Presentation

Prof. Dr Jan Van den Bulck ‘I like, follow, share, stalk, and groom you’ – social media and threat assessment pdficon large  Presentation

Reference to a Social Media Connecting Tool

Dr Russel Palarea & Bram Van der Meer
Psychological strategies for threat investigations pdficon large Presentation



20th April


Dr Stephen Hart Some thorny issues in threat assessment pdficon large Presentation

Bianca Voerman Developing a risk assessment and management approach in extremist cases pdficon large Presentation

Dr Frederic Declercq
A case of mass murder: personality disorder, psychopathology and violence mode pdficon large Presentation

Dr Jens Hoffmann Lone-actor terrorists – Warning Behaviors, Risk Assessment, and Copycat Effects pdficon large Presentation

Dr Lisa Warren The paradigm of persistence: a reexamination of muliple intrusions pdficon large Presentation



21th April

Dr David James Concerning and threatening communications: developing a structured approach to assessment and management pdficon large Presentation

SSA Molly Amman Assessing violence risk in threatening communications: the FBI model pdficon large Presentation

References to a Threat Managing Tool

Dr Vivienne de Vogel Gender issues in the assessment and manifestation of psychopathy pdficon large Presentation

Dr Laura Guy Developmental considerations for threat assessment with youth pdficon large Presentation

Access to publications from Steinberg

Chuck Tobin Assessing an organization’s capacity to manage threat pdficon large Presentation

Presentations AETAP Conference 2015


AETAP Conference 2015

We hope you enjoy your stay in Lucerne and looking forward to meeting you again next year.


The documents are for your personal use only!



14th April


Dr. Martin Boess Threat Management in                                  Switzerland pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Stephen Hart What is evidence based threat assessment? pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Randy Kropp Assessment of lethal spousal violence pdficon large Presentation

Justine Glaz-Ocik
Assessing the risk of lethal violence in cases of intimate partner violence pdficon large Presentation



15th April


Jim Cawood
Threat assessment team evolution pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Claudia
Threat management and workplace violence prevention within Deutsche Telekom pdficon large Presentation

Professor, Dr. Geoff Dean Griffith The threat of violent extremists: a neurocognition approach to risk assessment pdficon large  Presentation

Ron Tunkel Behavioral analysis techniques for investigating cases of anonymous threatening communications pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Josanne van Dongen & Tanya van Neerbos Screening and threat assessment of disordered threateners pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Vivienne de Vogel Gender issues in violence risk assessment pdficon large Presentation




16th April


Dr. Peter Collins Sovereign citizens and freeman-on-the-land pdficon large Presentation

Nils Böckler Radicalization case FRA pdficon large Presentation

Dr. med. Andreas Frei Mass-murder and psychological autopsy pdficon large Presentation

pdficon large Paper

Dr. Gerard Labuschagne A South African case study pdficon large Presentation

Katherine Timmel Zamboni & Adrian Meier Threat assessment and management in universities – a review of the last seven years pdficon large Presentation



Aetap Konferenz 2015

AETAP Konferenz 2015

Die Association of European Threat Assessment Professionals freut sich, Ihnen das neue Programm der 8. AETAP-Konferenz in Luzern zu präsentieren. Wir laden alle Personen, die sich in Forschung und Beruf mit Themen im Bereich Bedrohungs- und Risikomanagement beschäftigen ein, mit uns in Luzern neue Einblicke in diese Thematiken zu gewinnen.

Konferenz Programm

Die Konferenz findet vom 14. bis zum 16. April im Hotel Schweizerhof in Luzern, mit zwei zusätzlichen Fach-Seminaren am 13. und am 17. April statt. Alle Konferenzbeiträge werden in Englisch gehalten, von Montag bis Donnerstag wird eine Simultanübersetzung in deutscher Sprache angeboten.

Weitere Informationen entnehmen sie bitte dem pdf-Programm:
pdficon large Programm der 8. AETAP Konferenz

Programm 2015


Hotelempfehlungen in Luzern

Nachfolgend möchten wir Ihnen eine Reihe von Hotels in Luzern empfehlen, die sich in der Nähe des Konferenzortes befinden:

pdficon large Hotelempfehlungen in Luzern



Der Eröffnungsempfang sowie Snacks und Kaffepausen während der Konferenz als auch das Gala Dinner sind in der Konferenzgebühr enthalten. Für Studierende gibt es einen Preisnachlass von 10% auf die Konferenzgebühr – Bitte kontaktieren Sie Justine Glaz-Ocik ( oder Karoline Roshdi ( für nähere Informationen.


Konferenz (14.-16. April)
– Simultanübersetzung in deutscher Sprache


  • Mitglieder (AETAP, ATAP, APATAP, CATAP) 420, 00  €
  • Nicht- Mitglieder 540, 00  €
  • 3 oder mehr Personen einer Organisation/ Institutionen 510, 00  €
  • Gebühr für ReferentInnen 290, 00  €
  • zusätzliche Gäste für das Gala Dinner 85, 00  €

Fach-Seminare (13. & 17. April)


  • Fach-Seminar I (13. April – 220, 00  €)
    – Übersetzung in deutscher Sprache
    Risikoeinschätzung in Fällen ehrbedingter Gewalt (PATRIARCH)
    Dr. Randy Kropp – CAN; Dr. Henrik Belfrage – SWE  
  • Fach-Seminar II (17. April –  220, 00  €)
    keine Übersetzung
    Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz – Fallstudien/-besprechungen
    Dr. Gerard Labuschagne – SA; Mr. Bram van der Meer – NL; Mr. Totti Karpela – FIN



Pay Pal


Bitte füllen Sie nach Bezahlung über PayPal das Registrierungsformular aus. Sie werden nach dem Bestellvorgang automatisch weitergleitet oder finden das Formular unter folgendem Link – Registrierungsformular.

Registrierung AETAP Konferenz 2015




Bitte füllen Sie das Registrierungsformular aus, wir senden Ihnen dann eine Rechnung zu:

AETAP 2015 Luzern / Registrierungsformular 14.-16. April (Konferenz) und 13. & 17. April (Fach-Seminare)


Paul Mullen – Expert Day

Expert Workshop with Dr. Paul Mullen (26th April)Outline of Presentation on Complainers, Chronic Complainers, and Querulants

Querulants consume enormous amounts of the resources of complaint resolution services, the courts, the police, and all large public and private organisations. They are responsible for threats and violence which cause considerable public as well as personal danger and distress. They are the next frontier in risk assessment and management.

mehr erfahren “Paul Mullen – Expert Day”